
Colors of Fall

The sights and sounds of fall in the Pacific Northwest are undeniable.  As the seasons change and we approach the end of the semester, students trade sunny days on the quad for foggy mornings, hot drinks and holiday celebrations.

Students walk and bike to campus on a foggy morningAn eerie but beautiful fall morning. 

A student throws a pile of yellow leaves into the airUnattended piles of leaves = a fun photo op.

Students walk in the Canyon surrounded by trees with yellow and orange leavesHess Creek Canyon comes alive with color in the fall.

A deer wanders across campus

Trees on the quad with bright yellow leavesVibrant yellows, oranges and reds are on full display on the quad in November.

The 'Mama Bear' Bruin statue with bright red leaves in the background
A bare tree with bright yellow leaves on the groundAs campus transitions from fall to winter, once lush trees go bare, waiting to come back to life in the spring.
The sky is filled with loose leaves blown in the wind
All photos by Chris Low and Mitchell Henry.


Photo of Chris Low

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