Bachelors (BA) in Music
The music major offers a 49- to 57-semester-hour course of study. The major allows students to specialize in Worship Arts, Music Industry, or a Liberal Arts concentration to maximize flexibility for careers in the Church, music business, entrepreneurial music performing, private lesson teaching, or in school teaching (when combined with an MAT through the School of Education). Students are required to obtain a minimum grade of C- in all courses taken for the major.
Degree Outcomes
Graduates with a BA in music will:
- Implement skills in self-motivation that reveal an ambition to achieve new goals, tackle challenges, and follow through on tasks.
- Create authentic and compelling work as performing artists in their specific disciplines.
- Produce work that meets technical standards of the performing arts industry in their specific disciplines.
- Analyze themselves, and the methods and products created by performing artists from various historical periods and cultural backgrounds.
- Evaluate how their faith and/or values interact with and inform their work as performing artists.
Major Requirements
Complete the following:
MUSI 475 Field Experience or MUSI 481 Recital Project
A faculty approved music internship or recital project is required for all music majors regardless of concentration. Summer internships could be taken with approval of faculty.
- Music Major students must participate in a major ensemble, Applied lessons, and Studio Class every semester while in residence.
- Upper Division jury: all students enter the applied program at the 100 level. Before being advanced to upper-division study, the student must pass an upper division jury.
- Students are required to obtain a minimum grade of C- in all courses taken for the major.