Partner with the Early College Program

High schools can elect to offer dual-credit courses taught by their own instructors and sponsored by George Fox University faculty.

Following are the steps to take to make this a reality at your high school:

  1. The high school administrator submits a New Course/Instructor Approval Form along with appropriate documentation (including syllabi and copies of instructor transcripts) to the Early College Program. A George Fox faculty liaison will then review the syllabi to determine curriculum alignment and rigor.
  2. Once the course and instructor are approved, the Early College Program will provide access to our online administrative orientation and will connect the high school instructor to their discipline specific GFU faculty liaison.
  3. Once instructor orientation has been completed, the high school instructor will be ready to teach the course and will collaborate with the university’s discipline-specific faculty liaison throughout the year with assessments and any additional support the instructor might need.
  4. High school instructors will attend at least one professional development event per academic year led by a GFU faculty liaison (virtually or in person), and the liaison will conduct faculty site visits (if needed) for support and collaboration with the instructors.

If you are interested in partnering with George Fox University, please contact Metra Augustin, Director of K12 Initiatives, at or 503-554-2404. 

George Fox University is a member of the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP).


Metra Augustin

Metra Augustin, MS

K-12 Initiative Director