ARC Staff

Heather Harney

Heather Harney

Assistant Director of Learning Support Services

Holly Shelton

Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Composition

Teaching and Research Interests

  • Multilingual Writing
  • Translingual literacy
  • Multimodel composition

Student Consultants

Claire Ahlem

Claire Ahlem

Year: Junior

Major: English with a minor in History

Fun Fact: I went to boarding school in Germany for a year and am currently attempting to read Hildgard's visions in German (it's rough going, to say the least)!

Interests: mystic theology, classic literature, political history, and effective learning.

Proficiencies: Brainstorming, creating good interesting questions to write about. Poetry analysis is one of my favorite types, but I'm happy to talk anything literary. I also enjoy Academic Coaching and working with scheduling and organization.

Clara Lind

Clara Lind

Year: Senior

Major: English (Writing concentration), Spanish Minor

Fun Fact: I have pet a white tiger

Interests: talking about theology, literature, personal stories, and creative writing

Proficiencies: I can help you with whatever you need. I love to brainstorm.

Timothy Fehn

Timothy Fehn

Year: Senior

Major: Theology and English

Fun Fact: I have traveled over 10 countries, including a study abroad in England this past spring!

Interests: Patristic theology, theology of death, the Great Books, literary criticism, education theory

Proficiencies: Brainstorming, editing drafts, specifically structure or syntax

Natalie Gieselman

Natalie Gieselman

Year: Sophmore

Major: Nursing

Interests: Anatomy & Physiology

Proficiencies: Time management, study strategies, punctuation/grammar, and editing or revising drafts

Natalie Green

Natalie Green

Year: Junior

Major: English

Interests: Problem solving and talking through things are my passion, so I love academic coaching appointments because they allow me a chance to get to know students better and come up with solutions together

Proficiencies: Grammar and sentence structure, but I also enjoy helping students brainstorm ideas

Sophia Lumsdaine

Sophia Lumsdaine

Year: Sophmore

Major: History and Political Science with Journalism and Spanish minors

Fun Fact: I learned to drive stick shift

Interests: Journalism, international and intercultural issues

Proficiencies: Writing, written organization, and editing

Kate Mack

Kate Mack

Year: Sophmore

Major: Biochemistry and Biology with Pre-Law Track

Fun Fact: I am attempting to train for a marathon

Interests: literature, law, philosophy, science, ethics, criminal justice, and anything related to books in general.

Proficiencies: Editing essays, brainstorming, anything STEM related (within reason), analytical and theoretical writing.

Matthew Reamy

Matthew Reamy

Year: Senior

Major: Biology with literature minor

Fun Fact: I love plants

Interests: theology, literature, biology, research

Proficiencies: Brainstorming, organization, thesis, research, editing

Darian Vertz

Darian Vertz

Year: Sophmore

Major: English with a Writing Concentration

Fun Fact: I have danced for 15 years and I'm on the Cheet & Stunt team here at Fox!

Interests: Writing, baking, dancing, stunting

Proficiencies: Writing, editing