Career Resources for Faculty
We are always looking for ways to collaborate with faculty. Whether making professional development presentations in your class or working with you to set up an internship for an individual in your major, we want to team up with you for the benefit of our students.
Classroom Presentations
The Career and Academic Planning Center is available to provide professional development presentations for students in your class or program, with the purpose of helping students discover their calling through engagement with academic, experiential and professional pursuits. Topics can include:

- Calling and vocation
- Career pathways per major
- Finding an internship
- Resume and cover letter development
- Interview preparation
- Networking and LinkedIn
- Job search strategies
- Strengths-related content
- Custom presentation (please contact us directly to discuss this option)
To request that we present in your classroom, please contact us at careers@georgefox.edu.
Internships/Field Experience
Students who apply for an internship for credit must list a faculty member from the respective discipline as their faculty instructor. Students are asked to meet with this instructor prior to completing the online form for credit on Handshake to work through details and develop clear learning objectives.

If you are listed as the faculty instructor on a field experience, you will receive an email titled “An Experience Needs Your Approval.” To access the student’s internship information, you can click on the link within the email. You then have the choice to approve or decline the details of the internship form, as well as leave a comment.
If declined, the Academic and Career Planning Center will communicate with the student to make any necessary changes or clarifications. Once all approvals are collected we will submit the learning contract to the registrar’s office.
Contact us regarding any questions related to the Handshake system. For more details, read the full faculty instructions.
Resources for Faculty
Career and Academic Planning Coaches
CAP coaches assist students with course schedules, major selection and general education requirements, helping them stay on track toward graduation. We also direct students to resources that aid them in discovering their purpose through career mapping and connect them with internships and other potential work experiences.
Faculty members are the primary advisors for our students, and your expertise is invaluable. CAP coaches will partner with you to help students understand the big picture of how their academic pursuits can lead to career success.
Quinncia provides the ability to integrate career preparation into your academic curriculum to improve professionalism, communication and student outcomes. Students can submit their resume and complete mock interviews and receive real-time feedback and scoring based on the AI interface. We can create and customize your classes within the system to allow you greater access for enhanced student support.
Handshake is George Fox’s comprehensive career programing platform. If you would like a job or internship opportunity to be posted in Handshake, contact our office for assistance at 503-554-2330 or careers@georgefox.edu.