Contact Us
Email Address
Mailing Address
Financial Aid Office414 N. Meridian St. #6068
Newberg, OR 97132
Phone Numbers
800-765-4369, ext. 2302
503-554-3110 - Fax
Drop-in Hours
9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Do you have a question about...
If you have a credit on your account, our Student Accounts office begins the refund process on the first day of your classes. While it can take 6–10 business days for the refund to process, it often only takes 3 to reach your bank account if you have direct deposit set up.
If you have additional questions about when your refund will be processed, reach out to studentaccountrefunds@georgefox.edu.
There are a few common reasons why your aid may not have disbursed:
- You aren't enrolled half-time for federal student loans (wait-listed classes do not count)
- You aren't enrolled full-time for George Fox institutional aid (wait-listed classes do not count)
- You have my.GeorgeFox.edu To Do list items to complete
- You need to accept Stafford loans in your my.GeorgeFox.edu Financial Aid tile
- Your classes start more than 10 days from now
Student Account Related Questions
If your questions are related to any of the following, please contact Student Accounts.
- Tuition and other charges on your account
- Payment estimates/payment plans
- Refunds
- Veterans benefits
- 1098-T forms
- Guarantors/payment agreements
Financial Aid Counselors

Steffany Sweet
Financial Aid Counselor
Student Last Names A-E

Lauren Bergman
Financial Aid Counselor
Student Last Names F-J

Emily Seidel Green
Financial Aid Counselor
Student Last Names K-Q

Hope Hren
Financial Aid Counselor
Student Last Names R-Z

Johanna Kaye, FAAC®
Executive Director of Financial Aid & Title IV Compliance