Campus COVID-19 Policy
COVID-19 policy changes and campus-wide communications are placed on this site.
If you have COVID symptoms ...
Return to your place of residence and take a COVID test.
If you test positive, CDC advises people to isolate for five days after their symptoms begin (or five days after your initial positive test result if asymptomatic). If you live with others (in the community or on-campus), always wear a mask, except when actively eating or drinking, and maintain six feet of distance from others to the best of your ability during isolation days.
If you have COVID and need some support ...
The university continues to support students and employees with COVID-19. If you would like assistance, students can contact the residence life or student life staff, and employees can contact the Office of People & Culture.
Class Attendance Policy for Students
As with any illness, those who get sick with COVID and must be absent from classes are expected to follow the class attendance policy.
Employees: Work Illness Policy
Those who get sick with COVID and need to be absent from work should contact their supervisor and make appropriate arrangements, just as in the case of any other illness. Please refer to the sick leave policy in the employee handbook.
The university is no longer collecting information regarding COVID cases. Therefore, there is no COVID reporting form to be completed.
The CDC no longer recommends quarantine for those exposed to COVID; therefore, you do not need to quarantine. However, we ask you to monitor yourself for any possible symptoms suggesting you contracted COVID.
Seek emergency medical care immediately if you have any of the following symptoms:
- Trouble breathing
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- New confusion
- Inability to wake or stay awake
- Bluish lips or face
Students on a meal plan may use the Bon Appetit GET app to order their meals. You are free to go to Canyon Commons to pick up your meal.
Note: We are no longer contact tracing and moving residential students to designated COVID rooms.
COVID Vaccines Recommended
George Fox University encourages students and employees to get a COVID-19 vaccination, but does not require vaccination.
Students and employees can find a vaccination site using getvaccinated.oregon.gov or VaccineFinder.com.
If you have general questions about COVID-19, visit the Oregon Health Athority website. You can also visit the CDC website at cdc.gov for the latest national and international developments and additional resources for staying healthy.