Soul Care
Schedule a Soul Care appointment here
Jesus is quoted in Matthew 16:26 asking the poignant question:
"What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?"
As a Christ-centered community we take that prompt seriously and work to prioritize Soul Care as a vital part of our campus community and culture at George Fox. Our university pastors are available to carve out time and space, to listen and attune to your story, to process with you what's going on in your life, discern together God's gifts of hope, faith, love, possibilities and next steps. We also can help with pointing you to other helpful resources, and are always here to pray with and for you... because God is with you and for you!
All Soul Care appointments are as confidential as you need & want them to be! Nothing is too big or small. No judgement. No shame. Your safety, wholeness and ongoing spiritual growth are our priority. So, please don't go it alone and don't hesitate to reach out if your in need of support!
Life Groups
Each semester we offer Life Groups, gatherings that are committed to growing together in faith through Bible study, relationships and prayer.
Pastoral Counseling, Spiritual Direction & SpiL Mentoring
Maybe you had an interesting class last semester that has made you think more deeply about your faith, and now class is over but you still want to talk about it. Maybe something difficult happened in your life and you want to process it.
Or perhaps you need prayer for a big decision you're facing, or you need advice about how to talk with a roommate, friend or family member. Maybe you just want to get to know a seasoned, life-experienced person who can befriend your spiritual journey. (p.s. all of this can sometimes be done a little easier over tea, coffee, or other treats in the cozy SpiL House).
Our University pastors, Spiritual Directors and other trusted, trained & vetted "SpiL Mentors" would love to spend time with you for any & all of the above reasons, and ultimately investing in your thriving in this life God has given you. You can begin setting up an initial meeting here, or you can signing up for our Spring Semester "SpiL Mentors" program and we will pair you with someone great.
Other questions/concerns?
Email us (spirituallife@georgefox.edu) or give us a call at the SpiL (Barclay) House: 503-554-2320
Couples Counseling & Marriage Preparation
If you are dating or preparing for marriage, and are a George Fox undergraduate student, the campus pastors offer free marriage preparation counseling. Typically, premarital counseling includes two to six one-hour sessions. We often will utilize the Prepare-Enrich assessment and other resources.
If our schedule is already full at the time you request marriage preparation counseling, we will refer you to other trusted professionals and resources to help support this important relationship.
Find Your Fit in a Local Church
God is working in and through the body of believers in Newberg and our surrounding communities. Get involved in the life of a local congregation through worship, service and relationships. View a list of churches that share our commitment to Jesus Christ.
And, if you are overwhelmed with all of the options, a George Fox campus pastor would love to help you as you find a church home while you are away at college.