Faculty & Staff
At the core of our education programs is the belief that teaching goes beyond the transference of knowledge. It is a transformative practice that shapes the students of today into the leaders of tomorrow.
Our faculty recognize the vital role educators play as change agents in their communities because they are educators themselves, gaining experience as K-12 teachers, administrators, guidance and mental health counselors, researchers, and special education instructors. They are committed to preparing you to think critically, transform practice, and promote justice wherever your education journey leads.
Table of Contents

Kipp Wilfong
Admissions Counselor, Graduate Education Programs

Katie Baranowski
Admissions and Enrollment Counselor, Accelerated Teaching Degrees

Kris Molitor, EdD
Associate Dean, College of Education
Associate Professor of Education
Director, MAT Program

Becky Jensen
Executive Assistant to the Dean
Program Coordinator, Educational Leadership
(Masters of Education, Doctor of Education, Administrative Licensure)
Doctor of Education, Master of Education & Administrative Licensure
Master of Arts in Teaching

Carrie Hall, PhD
Associate Professor of Education
Program Director, Reading Interventionist
Program Director, Special Education Program
Elementary Education Degree Completion

Katy Turpen, EdD
Associate Professor of Education
Director, Elementary Education Degree Completion
Chair, Undergraduate Teacher Education
Undergraduate Teacher Education

Assistant Professor of Education

Sarri Gibson, MS, EdD
Associate Professor of Education
Associate Chair, Undergraduate Teacher Education

Jan Campadore
Program Coordinator, Elementary Education Degree Completion Program
Program Coordinator, Undergraduate Teacher Education

Suzanne Duerr
Administrative Assistant, Clinical Practice Office
Grant Administrator
Faculty Emeriti
- Ginny Birky, Professor Emeritus of Education (gbirky@georgefox.edu)
- Karen Buchanan, Professor Emeritus of Education (kbuchana@geogefox.edu)
- Tom Buchanan, Professor Emeritus of Education (tbuchanan@georgefox.edu)
- Scot Headley, Professor Emeritus of Education (sheadley@georgefox.edu)
- Eloise Hockett, Professor Emeritus of Education (ehockett@georgefox.edu)
- Beth LaForce, Professor Emeritus of Education (blaforce@georgefox.edu)
- Pat Landis, Professor Emeritus of Education (plandis@georgefox.edu)
- Margi Macy, Professor Emeritus of Education (mmacy@georgefox.edu)
- Linda Samek, Administrator Emeritus of Education (lsamek@georgefox.edu)